Christine Drago
Christine Drago has pursued a lifelong passion for art and creativity. In her professional capacity she has used art as a therapeutic tool to help clients in their recovery from substance abuse and mental illness. “Personally, I find the process of creating art enormously restorative. The planning and problem-solving; the utilization of knowledge and skill; and the total focus I bring to the process gives it a meditative quality.”
While originally from England; she has lived in New England for many years. Inspired by the English watercolorists; and enriched by her studies in the United States; she paints almost exclusively in watercolor.
“Watercolor possesses a clarity and essence of light that is hard to find in other media. I paint mostly land and seascapes, portraits of houses, animals, and people. these scenes that speak to me because of a unique quality of some kind, perhaps an interesting mood, play of light or natural beauty. I am drawn to subjects that capture a particular moment in time. My watercolors contain strong tonal contrasts and loose washes. In this way I hope to combine both power and freshness.”
Christine is an award-winning artist and has exhibited throughout the region. She has elected artist status in the Connecticut Watercolor Society, the Madison art Society, the Clinton Art Society and the Guilford Art League. Her paintings are in collections in the United States and Europe.
See more of Christine's paintings on Instagram @christinedragoart